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Registered Charity 109.   Volunteers Needed to Help at Meals on Wheels.   Meals on Wheels delivers meals throughout the Island on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  We are currently in need of a few individuals to deliver meals to clients on a regular basis.   We are also in need of persons who don’t necessarily want to commit to delivering every week consistently but who can cover for volunteers who are temporarily off.  (Anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.)  It will take about 1.5 - 2 hours of your time, one day a week, from approximately 11 am until 1 pm.    It would be time well spent and a wonderful way to assist those in our community that need a bit of help.    You can fill out and submit our application form online or you can call our Volunteer Coordinator Miriam Maccoy at 236-1815.   We hope to hear from you soon   Please Call  236-1815 or email Volunteer Applications available on this website link: Meals on Wheels Our Website:      

by Jim Ramsay
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16 results found in Bermuda for health foods
Chinese Healing Arts
Dr. Troy John Tweed, L.A.C Professional Acupuncturist Providing Nutraceuticals & Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

PO Box WK 117, Warwick Parish, Bermuda, WK BX

Umami Spice creates healthy, quality spice blends and quick meal planning ideas so you won't have to! The spice blends are made fresh and sold in smaller quantities so that the spices can retain their natural volatile oils and provide you...

., Bermuda Islands, Bermuda, also known as, is a group of people who believe in the health benefits of kratom. Its main aim is to provide consumers with reliable information and evidence-based clarifications about this herbal supplement. It also...

1439 N. Highland Ave #1015,, Bermuda Islands, CA , United States, 90028

PO Box WK 133, Warwick Parish, Bermuda, WK BX

ABC  Natural Foods

41 King St., City of Hamilton, Bermuda , HM 19

The Department of Environmental Health falls under the Ministry of Health and promotes public education about environmental health risks and ways to handle them. We constantly work towards maintaining the health of the public and...

6 Hermitage Road, Devonshire Parish, Bermuda, FL 01

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